Welcome to your New Quiz What is your favorite type of pie? Which of the following words would you use to describe our product? 5 (Great) 4 (Good) 3 (Fine) 2 (Fine but there are some issues) 1 (Not Good) Please Explain why you chose fine or not good to describe our products? If you did not answer fine or not good leave answer blank. How well did our product meet your needs? 4 (Very Well) 3 (Well) 2 (Fine) 1 (Badly) Please explain why the product didn't meet your needs. If product met your needs please leave answer blank. Are you an animal person? If so what kind? If you could change one thing about our product or services what would it be? How satisfied are you with the overall performance of our sales representatives? 5 - Very Satisifed 4 - Satisfied 3 - Neutral 2 - Disatisfied 1 - Very Dissatisfied How satisfied are you with the delivery of our products or services? 5 - Very Satisifed 4 - Satisfied 3 - Neutral 2 - Dissatisfied 1 - Very Dissatisfied Are you satisfied with the way we conduct business? Yes No Please Explain why are you are not satisfied on the way we conduct business? If you are satisfied please leave the answer blank. How well does our website fit your needs? 5 (Great) 4 (Good) 3 (Fine) 2 (Fine but there are some issues) 1 (Badly) If the website does not fit your needs please explain. If not leave answer blank Time's up